Royal Russell School students have made a great start to the 48th Hague MUN Conference. Maria, as President of the ICJ, is running the court with her usual calm and authoritative approach. Georgia, as Assistant President of Disarmament One, has already chaired one debate, setting a high standard for others to follow. Bart and Callum, representing Venezuela, in the Security Council, are, in the words of the reporter from MUNITY, the “main contributors in the committee”, and Alex, Rita and Eden all made excellent opening speeches in their commissions. Jordan, Diana and Seonni are working hard for the conference newspaper. Diana has produced 3 original art pieces for every issue and Jordan has written a number of the main features, whilst Seonni is busy setting out the page layouts. With 16 delegates, 3 members of the press team and 2 chairs, Royal Russell students are again making their mark at this prestigious conference.

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