11 Royal Russell students attended the Kingswood conference in Bath representing Russia and Cuba. This is one of the three THIMUN affiliated UK conferences with over 120 delegations from 40 different schools. Royal Russell students again did very well. 6 students won individual awards with Kyle, Sultan, Georgia and Darbi winning Highly Commended delegate awards and David and Rita winning Commended delegate awards. Russia won one of the two Highly Commended Delegation awards.

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21 Royal Russell students attended the City of London MUN in March. This was a less experienced team of delegates including some attending their first conference and they did fantastically well. After a fascinating keynote speech from the acting head of human rights for the commonwealth, Karen McKenzie, the committees commenced their debates.  With topics ranging from child soldiers in the Central African Republic to polar oil drilling rights, the delegates constructed resolutions to address these problems. The conference was a huge success, with all our pupils enjoying the experience.  In the closing ceremony, we received two honourable mentions.  In addition, Michelle Kazi won an award for best delegate in her committee and the Royal Russell School delegation of Argentina was given the sole award for the overall outstanding delegation.  Well done to Hamza, Michelle, Farhoud, Tomoki and Daniel who represented Argentina.

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